Synthetic Vitamins

2011-09-23 / Vitamins / 0 Comments

It’s an odd paradox that so many people in this world readily accept synthetic, engineered versions of foods in the quest to stay healthy. Much of what is on the shelves of most grocery stores is so processed, refined and chemically altered that it can hardly be called food at all.

And when you go to purchase vitamins to fill in the gaps of your diet, you’re in for a whole new world of engineered products that are anything but “good” for you. In fact, most of the vitamin products you find on shelves are synthetic vitamins, which will end up doing more damage to your health than good. It’s important to know more about what you eat or ingest. Your health depends on you having the right knowledge and taking action on what you know.

Synthetic Vitamin E Products – Not As Natural As You Think

You’ll find lots of Vitamin E tablets and gel caps that are readily available for purchase at affordable prices. However, even though the Vitamin E that is contained in these products is natural, the way these products deliver the vitamin to you are anything but. Yes, most Vitamin E products use the vitamin in its natural form, and they are proud to display this fact on their packaging, but it’s what they don’t tell you that can cause serious health risks and complications.


The first factor that makes Vitamin E synthetic blends bad is the fact that the vitamin is isolated from other co-factors (approx. 300 of them) that make it effective for health benefits in the first place. When these synthetic vitamins are produced, they extract and isolate d-alpha tocopherol, the natural form of Vitamin E, from other vitamins, minerals and nutrients that co-exist with the vitamin in healthy plant food sources. By taking the vitamin and isolating it from these co-factors, they are essentially stripping away the health benefits of taking Vitamin E, altogether.

Extremely High Doses

The average dosage in a Vitamin E capsule you buy at the store can be up to 10 times what you would get from eating a food that is high in Vitamin E. While it’s easy to assume that if a little is good, then more is better, this adage does not apply to Vitamin E. When you factor in the Vitamin E that you might get from foods, along with the mega-dose found in most supplements, you are getting way too much for your body to deal with. Top all of that off with the fact that the main source of these high Vitamin E doses are isolated, ineffective supplement forms, and you have a recipe for disaster.

The more you learn about the way Vitamins really work and how the synthetic versions are created, the easier it is to understand why you should avoid these products. It is simply reprehensible that so many physicians and healthcare professionals tell their patients to start taking vitamins, when the synthetic vitamins that people take are not effective and can actually cause harm to consumers.

Of course, the multi-billion dollar healthcare juggernaut knows the truth about these types of vitamin products, but they also need to keep their cash cow viable. Advising patients to take these dangerous synthetic vitamins is just another rouse used to keep people unhealthy and in need of medical services and products. Do yourself a favor and avoid these types of vitamins, for your own health’s sake.

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Multivitamins For Women – All About Vitamins

2011-08-23 / Vitamins / 0 Comments

There is a range of vitamins that are essential for every part of a person’s health.

  • Vitamin A promotes healthy eyesight and also helps in the formation and growth of body tissues, and bones formation. Vitamin A helps the body to defend itself from infections too. The sources of vitamin A come from liver, eggs, and orange-colored fruits and vegetables like carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, mangoes, papayas, persimmons and tomatoes. This vitamin can also be found in dry and leafy vegetables like spinach.

Without vitamin A, a person will experience appetite loss, changes in the skin and teeth color, and also night blindness.

Vitamin B consists of vitamin B1, B2, B6, B-12.

  • Vitamin B1 promotes the normal functioning of all body cells and nerves. It also helps the body to break down carbohydrates, protein and fat for the body. Vitamin B1 comes from oysters, organ meats, dried beans, green peas, oranges, whole grains and peanuts.

Without vitamin B1, a person will experience fatigue, weight loss, mental confusion, muscular weakness, and heart problems.

  • Vitamin B2 promotes normal energy release from carbohydrates, proteins and fats in food. It also helps in the development and growth, and the production and regulation of certain hormones. It promotes the formation of red blood cells too. Vitamin B2 comes from dairy products like milk, fish, poultry, cereals and bakery products, and green vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, and spinach.

A lack of vitamin B2 causes soreness of the mouth, lips and tongue, loss of vision, and may develop depression or hysteria.

  • Vitamin B3 is necessary for aiding the formation of red blood cells. Vitamin B3 can be extracted from Meat, poultry, fish, enriched cereals and grains, and nuts, as well as Milk and eggs.

Without this vitamin, it can cause tremors and damage to the central nervous system as well as scaly skin or swollen tongue.

  • Vitamin B6 helps the body to process amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. It also aids in the formation and maintenance of the body’s nervous system. Vitamin B6 comes from chickens, fishes, eggs, and whole wheat products.

Without this vitamin, it can lead to depression, vomiting, anemia, and skin and nerves inflammation.

  • Vitamin B-12 is necessary for the normal production of amino acids and fats, as well as maintaining the nervous system. Vitamin B-12 comes from meat, poultry, fish, milk, dairy products and eggs.

Without this vitamin, it can lead to anemia, and neurological problems.

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Benefits of Multivitamins

2011-07-07 / Vitamins / 0 Comments

In this day and age of busy schedules and hectic workloads, it only takes a matter of time before it takes a toll on your system. For those who take the time to keep themselves healthy, multivitamins and supplements are essential parts in your health arsenal.

The reasons why multivitamins and supplements are one of the best ways to keep yourself healthy is because they give you the right amounts of nutrients within the therapeutic levels.
Even with the best food choices, sometimes you fall short of the required daily intake of nutrients to keep you healthy. Multivitamins can help you in keeping up with those amounts, but how are they different or better than your individual supplements?

Multivitamin supplements, especially the good ones, contain a good and extensive list of ingredients that works synergistically to promote optimum health. Brands like Extend Life Total Balance for Men includes trace elements, co-factors, enzymes, antioxidants, enzymes and herbal extracts along with your typical and complete list of vitamins and minerals. All these nutrients are meticulously packed within a single capsule.

Single supplements, on the other hand, works individually but with its list of benefits of course. The downside to it is that you need to take other supplements to fill in the other nutritional gaps. Vitamin B for example improves your brain function, co-enzymes help you to better absorb these vitamins, and antioxidants keep your body free from free radical damage. They all have their own set of functions, but single supplements of these would leave you with a handful of pills and capsules to take on a daily basis.

A good multivitamin first and foremost aids in terms of convenience. And for a guy who is on the go, getting a good dose with just one intake a day is most efficient, and can even help you save a couple of bucks in the long run.

A multivitamin with its set of nutrients is more effective due to the synergistic effects of its ingredient. Together they act to benefit all the organs in your body. Its effects are extensive and you are getting it at safe recommended doses.

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Vitamins for Stress

2011-06-17 / Vitamins / 0 Comments

Stress is experienced when the body reacts to a certain physical, mental or emotional problem. Stress is the body’s way of combating challenges and preparing the body for a particular situation requiring concentration, alertness, or stamina. Stress can be found in nearly every situation and can be experienced very frequently. It could even be said that everyone experiences stress at some time and some experience it more frequently than others.

A “stressor” is a term used to describe a particular event that provokes stress. Stressors are everywhere including school, work, on buses and trains, and even in the comfort of your own home. The body responds to stress by the activation of the nervous system and certain hormones. The adrenal glands are signaled by the hypothalamus to produce cortisol and adrenaline, which aid in the increase of an individual’s heart rate and respiratory rate. The increase in heart rate and respiratory rate will cause an increase in blood flow to the muscle groups and dilation of the pupils will occur, which improves vision. An increase in sweating is also experienced to cool down the body. These are the normal reactions of the body to stressors and this series of overall reactions is called the “stress response”. The stress response of an individual can help a person respond quickly to a particular stressor; however, stressors can cause problems to the body if the body overreacts about the stressor and fails to return to its original state.

Stress can also contribute to particular diseases or conditions such as high blood pressure (hypertension), insomnia, ulcers, eating disorders, arthritis, asthma, heart disease and eczema. Stress can have a wide range of causes. It can be due to environmental factors such as noise, pollution, cold or too much heat. It can be due to physical factors such as injury and illness. It can be caused by mental problems such as a current relationship status, financial problems, and/or an individual’s employment status. All of these different types of problems create an impact on the human body that will prepare the body for its response to the stressor.

There are preventative measures that an individual can take to help the body avoid stress. Avoid ingesting beverages with stimulants such as caffeine or alcohol. Smoking can also contribute to the occurrence of stress and should be avoided at all costs. Eating fresh foods and plenty of vegetables and fruits can help the body avoid stress. Regular exercise and obtaining sufficient daily sleep is beneficial as well. Allowing relaxation time each day can be beneficial and participating in yoga once a week or getting a massage can also be very beneficial to relieving tension. Organize your work loads and other stressors that are job related.

Stress vitamins and minerals can also be supplemented to your diet, which can be beneficial to avoiding stress. There are several vitamins and herbal supplements available at your local markets that are helpful in reducing stress. One such vitamin is Vitamin B Complex, which is helpful for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin C can boost the immune system during stressful times. Coenzyme Q10 helps to improve the production of energy and zinc, which maintains the health of the immune system.

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Multivitamins – Essential For Children

2011-06-04 / Vitamins / 0 Comments

Recent studies show that a multivitamin each day improves cognitive function of children and is just as important as them eating breakfast every day. Studies of over 80 children 8-14 taking a low potency, one a day, multivitamin/mineral supplement for 12 weeks showed after a variety of computer based tests that their focus, reaction time, memory and recognition of familiar symbols etc increased. The children who took the supplements had a faster reaction time and could distinguish images better.

We all know that good nutrition increases children’s development and intelligence and that deficiencies affect their cognitive function. A multivitamin not only increases cognitive function but can reduce aggressive behaviour due to lowering of stress levels. Do children suffer stress? You bet they do. What do they get stressed about? Exams, loneliness, image, what mum and dad are fighting about and whether they can keep up with their friends (just for starters).

The argument that we do not need multivitamins is not valid because many doctors do not even test the levels of vitamins and minerals in the blood so there is no adequate basis for the assumption that your multivitamin level is adequate. So if your children are not performing well at school, are getting colds, coughs, asthma too often, are tired and just lie around watching TV and sleeping in, seem to lack interest in life, are aggressive, grouchy or tired check their vitamin levels.

There are many good multivitamin supplements on the market. Liquids are more easily absorbed and the iron in them tends to not be constipating. Steer clear of one’s containing wheat, yeast, gluten etc as these are not good for anyone due to food intolerances. If your child will eat chewable bears then go for that. The squishy fish oils on the market are good also to increase brain power. Add to this a good breakfast, a healthy lunch and meat and veggies for dinner, with a few in between snacks and you have a healthy eating plan for your child.

What is my response to the junk foods out there? Don’t buy them. People sometimes ‘if and but’ regarding giving their kids a treat with junk foods and my response is…they are not good for you, they have too much salt, too much sugar and help your child develop a habit for eating rubbish so you are not doing anything nice for your child. Can your kid have chocolate? Yes, maybe once a week a small bar. Chips? Yes, maybe a small pack once a week. I need to say I am shocked though when I see people taking their children to fast food outlets on a regular basis. Once in a while is fine, we need to keep a balance but often fast food is used as an excuse for just not wanting to cook.

It doesn’t take much to peel a few veggies and throw them in a steamer while you go change after work and then to throw a steak on. Your meal is cooked in about 20 minutes and if you don’t have 20 minutes to look after your health then you seriously need to assess your lifestyle. This is not unreasonable. If you don’t look after yourself now then you can expect to not be healthy when you get older and if you don’t look after what your kids eat then they will be unhealthy adults. Prevention is better than cure.

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Why Multivitamins Are Good for You

2011-05-14 / Vitamins / 0 Comments

Each and every one of us is taking vitamins whenever we are eating our meals. Our food contains so many vitamins and minerals that help us live healthier. Not only does it give us the strength we need to make it through the day, whether for work, school, exercise, etc., but food also helps build or immune system. People who eat right are often very healthy and live longer. But what about people who can’t eat right because of hectic schedules? Can they be healthy and stay healthy too? Sure they can, with the help of multivitamins!

Multivitamins are good for those who can’t or don’t eat right. It serves as the food supplement that the body needs. Having a small pill called multivitamins everyday can reduce the risks of diseases such as colon cancer and cardiovascular diseases. But before you take on some multivitamins, you need to know the right multivitamins for you. In picking the right multivitamins that would suit you, you must consider your age, gender, allergies, and what vitamins do you need? There are so many multivitamins in the market today so pick the right one for you. After choosing the right pill for you, then take the prescribed dosage every day.

What are the benefits of Multivitamins, anyway? Most multivitamins contains 10 vitamins and 10 minerals to supplement a proper and regular diet. Such vitamins are Iron which is good for the blood, there is also Calcium that strengthens the bones, Magnesium helps metabolize calcium, Zinc that fights infections and Vitamin D which is also good for the skin. These are just some of the beneficial vitamins that our body needs each and every day.

Multivitamins do not only help an individual nourish his or her bodily needs, but it also gives improved mental conditions. It also is needed to treat some diseases. A person with an Alzheimer’s disease can take up multivitamins in order to get Vitamins C and E. This is the main benefits of multivitamins intake, it fights illnesses caused by some vitamins and minerals deficiencies. Stressed people can definitely benefit from multivitamins. When you always busy and you don’t have the time to think about your health, then multivitamins can offer you the supplementation’s you need for your mental ability and daily endurance’s.

With the world changing so rapidly with all the technological developments, it would appear that time is being fast forwarded. People can’t seem to keep up with time and are bombarded with work and stress. Thanks to multivitamins, life is much easier. There are so many things that vitamins can do. Although multivitamins are recommended to anyone, it does not necessary mean that everyone should take them. There are people that don’t need multivitamins. Be sure to consul the doctor first before you engage yourself to taking a daily dose of these pills. It is very important that the human body should perform properly. Taking multivitamins every day can help the body in a lot of ways by providing needed vitamins to function properly.

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What Are The Benefits Of Vitamin D3?

2011-05-13 / Vitamins / 0 Comments

When men and women get into later years it will become more challenging for us to get an adequate dose of Vitamin D to keep our bones in good shape and maintain normal blood pressure. Since we tend to spend most of our time in doors, many of us are deficient in optimum quantities of this vital particular nutrient. Since the only way to get an adequate supply of Vitamin D without supplements is by natural light, it is sometimes recognized as the sunshine vitamin.

Vitamin D3 is fat soluble that gets stored in the body’s soft tissue. The two forms of vitamin D are ergocalciferol which is vitamin D2 and cholecalciferol that is vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is is the one that is produced in the skin after exposure to UVB rays from the sun or artificial light. It also occurs naturally in fish. In addition, some cereals and milk products are fortified with vitamin D. The elderly and adults that are lactose intolerant or whom otherwise want to reduce their eating of calcium-rich foods in their diet are most at risk for not having enough Vitamin D. For these individuals, vitamin D supplements may be worth considering.

Vitamin D3 circulates as a hormone when it is synthesized in the kidneys. This process helps in the absorption of calcium. Calcium is necessary for maintaining strong teeth and bones. In addition, this vitamin helps to prevent rickets and post menopausal osteoporosis. This is important in helping to prevent your bones from breaking due to an injury. In addition, the vitamin also helps to maintain normal blood sugar levels and a well-balanced immune system. In fact, if you have type I diabetes, you may be at risk for low levels of Vitamin D.

Furthermore, it can cut down the possibility of prostate cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer in men and women. If you need the D3 vitamin, the best time to start taking it is before middle age. Otherwise, when you get older a simple slip or a fall can cause you to break a leg or a hip resulting in surgery and a painful recovery. In fact, thousands of senior citizens suffer broken bones every year because they slipped and fell.

You need to get an optimum dose of Vitamin D3 each day to promote healthy teeth and prevent brittle bones. There are risks involved for sitting outdoors everyday to take in the sun’s UVB rays to get your sufficient amount of Vitamin D. For this reason, millions of people take Vitamin D3 supplements in drops or capsules to live healthy, the natural way.

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Vitamin D – Effective Dietary Supplements

2011-05-07 / Vitamins / 0 Comments

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin which boosts calcium absorption and helps to maintain sufficient serum calcium and phosphate concentrations and thus prevents occurrence of hypocalcemic tetany. It is obtained from sunlight, certain foods and supplements. An adequate amount of Vitamin D in the body is required for maintenance of a healthy immune system.

Vitamin D supplement benefits
As vitamin D improves natural immunity, it is essential to take vitamin D supplements to prevent diseases and infections. A vitamin D rich diet reduces the risk of respiratory illness. It also lowers the chances of inflammation and other chronic diseases. Vitamin D is found to fight against prostate, colon and breast cancer effectively. Vitamin D is also beneficial to prevent diabetes type I and II, hypertension, autoimmune disease and schizophrenia. Vitamin D is known to cure Crohn’s disease, cystic fibrosis, osteoporosis and rickets.

Dosage of vitamin D
It is important to know how much vitamin D is required depending upon age. Vitamin D is present in dietary supplements in two forms, cholecalciferol (D3) and ergocalciferol (D2). Multivitamins also contain vitamins required for a healthy body. 5-10 micrograms or 200-400 IU per day is the recommended dosage. Adults and people with hepatic failure or a history of malabsorption should consume the supplement dose of 2000 IU. It increases further to 6000 IU for pregnant women. These are internationally recommended dosages. Consult your doctor before taking D supplements.

Deficiency of vitamin D
A deficiency of the vitamin can lead to serious health issues like osteomalacia which causes bone softening. It may also cause abnormal bone formation. Such conditions must be treated with the help of calcium and vitamin D supplements. Those who do not get sun exposure also suffer from these conditions.

The deficiencies are common amongst people with kidney and lung disease, alcohol problems or, if they are strictly vegetarians. Also, people who suffer from intestinal malabsorption are diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency.

Natural sources of Vitamin D
Sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D. It is vital that you get 15-30 minutes of sunlight every day. Body produces vitamin D readily once it’s exposed to the sun. Those who suffer from vitamin D deficiency should not wear sunscreen while going out.

Dairy products, milk, eggs, cereals and seafood are good sources of Vitamin D. Cod liver oil, salmon, liver and catfish provide sufficient amounts of Vitamin D. Tofu, mushrooms, soy milk, yoghurt and Swiss cheese are some vegetarian sources of this vitamin.

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Do We Need Daily Vitamins?

2011-03-20 / Vitamins / 0 Comments

Anyone who makes the decision to eat a healthier diet than they do now is very likely to be overwhelmed by the vast and contradictory amounts of information available on the subject.

In no part of the diet is this more apparent than in the vitamin and supplement area. There are, quite literally, thousands of manufacturer’s suppliers, distributors and web sites that exist solely to sell you either a supplement of some type, or vitamins needed to make you “healthier”.

It isn’t any wonder that any even mildly curious person would ask the question if they should take vitamins every day. And the answer may surprise you.

For someone who is regularly eating a balanced diet of fresh, whole foods there is, most likely, no reason to take vitamin supplements every day. If you have crafted a series of meal plans that contain the right amounts of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and lean meat then you are probably getting all the required nutrients our bodes need.

The challenge, of course, is that most of us aren’t eating a balanced diet like this and are using at least some frozen fruits and vegetables which don’t contain nearly as much nutrients as they do when fresh.

So does that mean that multivitamins and other supplements are necessary?

Well, the medical research community is of two minds about the question.

In the positive camp, a paper published by the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2002 came to the conclusion that “it appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements”. This paper examined the use of vitamins to prevent chronic diseases and concluded that insufficient use of many vitamins can be linked to some chronic diseases such as osteoporosis and some cancers.

Others, however, are not convinced. These researchers point out that the absorption of vitamins and minerals in the human body is an extremely complex process that can easily be thrown out of balance by consuming large amounts of unneeded nutrients. Their stand is that, while a multivitamin, might be great in addressing a deficiency in a specific vitamin or mineral, there are really very few ways to accurately determine if a deficiency does, in fact, exist. Without such evidence, say these folks, there is really very little reason for most people to take any supplements at all.

So where does this leave us, the lay folks who are just trying to live healthy?

If there is no evidence that supplements do any good, neither is there any real evidence that, taken as directed, they do any harm either. So, personally, I chose to take a multivitamin daily and have for many years. While I can’t prove any direct health benefits, I do feel better for taking it and will continue to do so.

If you choose to take a supplement as well, then take it with a meal. It will help all the good stuff to be absorbed by the body.

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Strokes and B Vitamins

2011-03-12 / Vitamins / 0 Comments

Strokes and B vitamins, is there really any type of connection or is this just more hype? Although there are still several in the medical community that will suggest that vitamins do not have any effect on preventing a stroke, there are perhaps just as many that is beginning taking the other side, especially with the B complex of vitamins. There is a lot of evidence emerging that vitamins B-6, B-12, as well as folic acid may indeed help to prevent this life threatening situation.

What are they?

In fully understanding the possible relevance between strokes and B-vitamins, it is very helpful to understand exactly what they are, the symptoms to watch for, as well as the different forms they come in.

The most important thing to understand about a stroke, regardless of the type, is the fact that it is a medical emergency and it should be taken very seriously. A stroke occurs as the result of an interruption to one part of your brain of the blood supply, which immediately limits the brain tissue of both oxygen as well as food.

This is not a situation where this loss takes a long time to develop, as it can occur in just a matter of minutes in most cases. If it is not treated as quickly as possible, it can not only severely damage your brain and several of your basic functions; it can also take your life.

However, there is some good news about this condition in that there are several treatments as well as several potential ways to prevent them, including these three vitamins. There are several symptoms that can easily identify a stroke, but if you are the victim, you may not have the chance to react. However, if you witness a stroke occurring in someone else, there are four very important steps you can take that can drastically minimize potential damages.

The first of these steps is the most obvious and that is to call 911 immediately as this may make the difference between long term damage and limited damage. The next step is to begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation if the affected person has stopped breathing. The third is to turn the victim on their side. This will be critical as the chances are very high that vomiting may occur and if they are not on their side, it could cause them to choke to death. The final step is to make absolutely sure that they eat or drink nothing at all.

Your first reaction may be to give them a glass of water, but if it is a stroke, this is the last thing you want to do as it may cause vomiting.


Strokes and B-vitamins next critical step is to understand the symptoms that will occur immediately prior to this event. All of these symptoms may occur, or you may only experience only one or two of them. The first symptom will be a sudden difficulty in walking or standing as you may experience a very sudden dizziness. This will quickly be followed by two other conditions; a loss of balance as well as coordination.

The next possible symptoms will involve speech, and will include a sudden difficulty is saying anything, and what you are trying to say will be slurred.

You may also know want to say, but you can no longer find the words in your memory. You may also experience a very sudden numbness on one side of your face or body, or if the stroke is severe enough, you may be totally paralyzed on one side. You may also have a very difficult time seeing or focusing in one or both of your eyes. There is also one other symptom that occurs in almost every stroke; a severe headache. However, this will be unlike any headache you have ever experienced, as it will literally feel like something very hard has hit your head.


Understanding strokes and B-vitamins benefits also includes the different forms; Ischemic and hemorrhagic, and both of these also have different forms. Both are also similar in that they will disrupt the flow of blood to your brain, but they are completely different as to what actually occurs. An ischemic stroke is considered to be the most common form and it is the result of some type of a blockage that has occurred in one of your arteries. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs as the result of one or more of your blood vessels leaking or actually bursting.

However, there is also one other type of a stroke referred to as a mini-stroke or a transient ischemic attack that temporarily blocks the supply of blood to your brain. It is estimated that about 90 percent of all attacks are ischemic, and this is where a strokes and B-vitamins start to emerge.

An ischemic stroke occurs as there is lack of blood flow to your brain that is caused by the narrowing or blockage of an artery, and this type comes in two forms; thrombotic and embolic. The thrombotic form is the result of a clot that has clogged your arteries which is generally the result of fatty deposits or plagues that have built up. The embolic form may also involve a clot, or it may be the result of some other type of debris. A hemorrhagic stroke is much less common and it also has two forms; an intracerebral hemorrhage or a subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Strokes and B-vitamins:

Strokes and B-vitamins are all centered on the B-complex of vitamins and include vitamins B-6, B-12, as well as folic acid. It is believed that if you are in the risk groups of potential stroke victims, these vitamins in high dosages may stop them from occurring. The high risk group includes someone with a family history of strokes, over the age of 55, as well as high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels. Smoking, excess drinking, obesity, diabetes, as well as inactivity, also place you in the high risk group.

B-vitamins help to lower your blood levels of a compound that is referred to as homocysteine. Several studies have shown that if you have high levels of this compound in your blood, it increases the risk of heart disease. Homocysteine is also believed to make your blood cells gooey or sticky, which can very easily lead to blood clots.

In the vast majority of cases, it is believed that homocysteine build up is the result of a deficiency of all three vitamins. As a result of this, strokes and B-vitamins do seem to be connected.


Strokes and B-vitamins may still be a controversial topic to many in the medical community, but there is no dispute of what they can do in fighting and preventing homocysteine in your blood stream. It only makes sense that if 90 percent of all strokes are caused by clots and if you eliminate the major cause of clots, you can beat this potential killer.
I am an avid lover of pets and my wife and I have had several pets throughout our years. We are especially fond of dogs, and we have a 12 year old Dalmatian (our 3rd) and a “mutt” that we rescued when someone threw him away to die in a vacant field.

He found us, nearly starved to death, and weighed about 2 pounds.

After severe bouts of mange and severe dehydration, and over 1,000.00 in veterinarian bills, we saved the little guys life, and he is one of the best, if not the best, dogs we have ever had and today is a muscular, fit, and firm 70 pound best friend.

After finishing my MBA, which at middle age was not easy, I decided to keep the research work ethics that I acquired, and devote about two hours each night in understanding the health benefits of supplementation for both humans and pets and how they might strengthen our, as well as our pets, immune system in a pre-emptive approach to health rather than a reactionary approach.

Both of my daughters are avid cat lovers, and asked me to help them with health concerns and challenges with their cats.

I am not a veterinarian nor claim to be, just a lover of pets that loves to research and pass on some knowledge that might be helpful, or at least stimulating to the thought process.

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