Using Protein Supplements « Suplements and Vitamins

Using Protein Supplements

/ July 27th, 2011/ Posted in Supplements / No Comments »

When looking to start using protein supplements, there’s a few things you have to determine before just going ahead and using them. The first thing you should be looking at is what your purpose for using supplements are. Whether you’re trying gain muscle, just trying to get healthy and in better shape, or anything in between all that, you’ll be able to benefit from these supplements. Many people have the misconception that there are protein supplements for men and different ones for women. This is not true as protein is protein, regardless of where it’s from.

The most popular protein supplements among body builders are creatine and whey. Although creatine and whey protein are both very beneficial for general health, combining both for body building is by far the most common thing that you’ll see any body builder do. Reason for this put in a very simple and straight forward way, whey protein provides the nutrients needed to your muscles in order for protein synthesis to happen and creatine helps direct those nutrients to the right muscles in your body wherever they are needed.

As for protein synthesis, that’s the process in which your muscle’s produce any amount of protein needed and disperse it throughout your body. When doing intensive workouts throughout your week, it is very possible that you will need to use some whey protein because your body definitely has the possibility of not being able to produce some more, thus resulting in some very sore muscles at the end of it all.

One thing I can’t stress enough is you have to eat real food! There’s no other way around it. Protein comes in many different food, obvious ones are meat, peanuts & nuts and dairy products such as yogurt and milk. All of these among many other foods are really high in protein and will be able to give good amounts of protein before even using any supplement. You won’t want to simply get just protein, you want to make sure that you get your daily doses of nutrients from every food group.

At the end of the day, the message to take away is to always make sure your body is getting what it needs. Whether that be from food only, which should be your first priority, then supplements. The use of protein supplements isn’t just for men, or just women, they`re really useful for general health reasons as well, so you might as well take a look into it.

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