Omega-3 – Absorbing Omega-3 More Rapidly « Suplements and Vitamins

Omega-3 – Absorbing Omega-3 More Rapidly

/ April 5th, 2011/ Posted in Omega-3 / No Comments »


If you want to get Omega-3, there are several ways to go about it. You can eat fish and risk health problems from mercury or PCB contamination. Then there is the supplement route, which is taken by people who do not like fish or are concerned about the metal contamination in fish, but want the health benefits found in Omega-3.

Now there has been found a new way to receive your daily dose of Omega-3. A recent study has found that consuming your fish oil via the effervescent formulation way, will help you absorb Omega-3 faster than eating fish or the supplement gel way.

Effervescent Drink

To me, effervescent means to spray it on your body, but what it actually means is “sparkling water”. So to get your Omega-3 faster in your body, you can drink it as a bubbly. I do not know about you, but drinking fish oil is not my cup of tea. Reading further, I found that it was not plain fish oil, but actually an orange flavored drink.

By drinking your Omega-3, you can absorb the essential fatty acids in your body up to 23% faster. But why would you want to get Omega-3 in your body faster? It is not like you need it to stop a headache.

The study found that if you drink it or take it as a gel supplement, you get the same amount of the essential fatty acids DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

Are There Benefits

The study concluded that this method is convenient and faster. When I look at this study, I question whether it is convenient, because a drink is more bulky than a gel supplement. You have to take the powder of this Omega-3 orange drink and mix it in water and then drink it. Why not just pop an Omega-3 gel in your mouth and drink it with a glass of water.

In addition, why do I need it faster? If I get the same amount of essential fatty acid from a gel as I would from a bulky liquid, I would stick to the gel.


I looked up the cost of this drink on the Internet, and for less than a month’s supply of the drink I can receive close to three months supply of the gel.


The drink method of getting your Omega-3 sounds good, but I really do not need my essential fatty acids that fast, nor can I afford the excess cost.

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